Friday, August 5, 2011


There are two types of women
in facing polygamy and divorce:
First type are those
who cannot bear their jealousy
due to their nature
due to protect their Deen
willing to stay away from the harm of jealousy
willing to sacrifice their husband for a peaceful heart
they feel better to ask for divorce
than to live in a polygamous family
Islam allows them to do as they wish
Islam allows them to choose 
whatever they feel better for them
as this is their nature
and Allah knows the best!

Second type are those
who can bear their jealousy
they feel better to stay in a polygamous family
than to live separately after divorce
due to their nature
feeling deep love for their husband
willing to share
willing to sacrifice
with a peaceful heart
Islam allows polygamy for them
Islam allows them to choose
whatever they feel better for them
as this is their nature
and Allah knows the best!

These two types of women
have their models in Islam
Fatimah the daughter of the Prophet
is the best model of the first type
who stay in a monogamous family
until her last breath.
Wives of the Prophet
are the best models of the second type
who stay in a polygamous family
until the Prophet's last breath.

No offence
Both types are in their own special ways
to achieve the pleasure of Allah
Islam gives freedom for them
Islam understands their needs
Honoring them with the complete regulations
due to their natures..

Asking Divorce
in order to stay in a monogamous family
Asking Just
in order to stay in a polygamous family
it is their choice!

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